
This blog is about Life and the things that make us happy! I am one of those girls who loves to cook great food and throw small parties with confetti and close friends! There is also nothing like a nice summer night throwing a BBQ with campfires and smores!!! This is what life is all about!!! :]

Saturday, September 29, 2012

When life gets ahead of you....

When life starts getting busy and I think that I would rather go home and clean my house from working all week instead of going and exercising...does this sound familiar?

It definitely is in my neck of the woods and the only way I can hold it together is to try to clean or at least do one chore a day...I try to remind myself that exercising is what really keeps me going but it doesn't always help!!

When Ryan starts going down the same swirling tunnel we try to go find something fun to do outside together that is good exercise! Like hoping on our bikes or going for a hike!! 

Fall is here and I am going to need to find a way to exercise because its going to start getting dark and cold! Any ideas??? My goal is to keep hiking and finding my inspiration but my dvds at home should help and my treadmill!! No extra weight this winter!!!

I know that life gets going and with working full time and starting my own photography business there doesn't seem to be much time left...but its all about finding those moments instead of watching friend reruns- hoping up and taking my jumping lab for a run so he will sleep for the night!!